This page is dedicated to elevations above sea level.
The elevations of the landmasses above Sea Level in the United States are calculated by the United States Geological Survey, (USGS). I have not checked other countries to find out what organization calculates theirs. I will be focusing on the U.S. elevation numbers for our specific relevance.
I would like to thank Google for making it so easy to ask for and get the elevations above sea level for any city or town in America. I’m sure it will tell you elevations of any city or town in the world, but again, I focus on the American continent. I also mention this to encourage others to ask the elevation of their city or town. You can then ask the elevation of a distant city or any town in your state, and simple subtraction of the numbers will give you the difference in elevation heights of the land.
These differences in elevations are merely the topography of the land, pastures, rivers and lakes. It helps to comprehend this before we get to the curvature of the earth that most people have been told about and believe. We have been told about this since grade school, and we have seen the globe earth in pictures everywhere and, of course the globes we have on our desks. This can be called indoctrination, and it is difficult to leave this perception. Cognitive dissonance is very real and strong. When long-term beliefs are challenged with conflicting ideas or facts, people become uneasy and confused. They will often deny the new information in order to remain comfortable in their familiar belief system.
It was first established back in 1957 by American social psychologist Leon Festinger. It argues that people desire to be consistent and will go out of their way to make sure their actions fit their beliefs and opinions.
Those that believe in the globe have never challenged their belief, because they would have no reason to do so. They have not been taught or studied this globe model, and so do not realize that there are real inconsistent problems with it. Myself, as a Flat Earther, would rather be thought of as a globe model tutor. Cognitive dissonance, and the majority of people just not open to new ideas, makes this a difficult task.
I have come to the conclusion that elevations above sea levels is the best way to establish the fact that flat earth people state: “There is no curvature upon the earth to be found”. People can understand that water would appear to be flat, but it seems that they think there is some curvy water somewhere beyond the flat horizon they see looking out to the ocean. I like to mention that the definition of a horizon is a flat plane, that which we see upon land and ocean.
The spherical trigonometry of the globe model has been calculated, the math has been done, so one does not need to know trigonometry. The three dimensional earth is said to be 24,900 miles in circumference; rounding up to 25,000 makes it easier. The calculation is 8 inches per miles squared, and is the call phrase of these flat earthers. I like to point out that I want those that believe the globe to also consider that the blue marble pictures of earth from space are all perfect circles, all of them. There are no egg shapes or any ovals or pear shapes, no oblate spheroids. I stress this to point out that the spherical trigonometry of the globe would have be consistent everywhere upon the planet. Because it is apparently, according to NASA, a perfect circle. Period… Thank You NASA!!!
Finally, after all this explaining, my big statement I like to declare is: The elevations above sea level will never match the supposed curvature of your earth!! Let me explain further. All oceans around the world are at 0 sea level; the tides do not affect this number. Not even the Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia, which has as much as 50 ft. of tidal levels, changes sea level calculations.
I did not explain this famous 8 inches per mile squared equation. This will be added in the near future.

What is sea level? How is it calculated?

Merriam-Webster: Cogitate implies deep or intent thinking,
i.e. cogitated on the mysteries of nature

I can see shore lights 14 miles across a frozen lake.
The ‘curve formula’ would drop 130 feet “below the horizon.”
Where did the curve go? – no pseudo-science, PROVE it.

When your brain freezes because the basic belief of ‘where you live’ has no solid proof for the globe you were taught.