First a definition: in·doc·tri·na·tion /inˌdäktrəˈnāSHən/ noun
The process of teaching a person or group to accept a set of beliefs uncritically: “I would never subject children to religious indoctrination“… Oxford Dictionaries
Yet we accept “science said globe” as proven fact without questioning it and teach it to our children. If they question it, they are ridiculed or scoffed at, because… “science!” — I have questions: Who said it, when, where, and is there proof?
The Curve
Something as basic and simple as the globe should be easy to prove. “The curve” can be calculated, and the formula was provided by ‘science’. It’s not difficult to prove the math with a little basic knowledge (draw a circle, measure circumference, square off ‘lines of sight / level’ to given points, calculate height by units of measure assigned in step two). For globe curvature, a reasonably accurate and accepted formula is:
8 inches x miles(squared) = height in inches (divide by 12 for height in feet)
Or we can write it this way:
8(miles x miles) /12 = feet
Anyone with a calculator can do this without breaking a sweat. However, the easiest way to calculate this is…. use Earth Curvature Calculator! Since websites sometimes fail, I am including a copied page for reference if anyone is interested. At the bottom of the page it states: “Using the formula 8 times the distance in miles squared is not accurate for long distances but is fine for practical use.” – Testing this for 100 miles, the above formula generates 6666.66, whereas he gives 6668.41; this is less than a two foot difference on 100 miles. I find this reasonable, and now we have some idea of what the curve should be. Let’s see where this falls apart.
…teaching a person or group to accept a set of beliefs uncritically… It’s not intentional, simply repeated by those who accepted it without question and perpetuate it. Here’s an example I will address; I am copying the page in its entirety:
How far can the human eye see on the ocean?
This is how far the human eye can see on the ocean.
We see these questions a lot: How far can the human eye see on the ocean?? How far can I see into the horizon? How far can you see at sea level? They are all different ways of asking the same question.

You may be surprised by the answer, because you cannot see very far at sea level. [Let’s test this – #1 below] You can see the moon, but you cannot see Europe from the East Coast or Japan from the West Coast. Why, you may ask? The reason you cannot see very far is because the earth is round. [Is this proven? Can WE prove it?] To give you a better perspective, look at the picture below. Fred cannot see very far because the curve of the earth is blocking his view. [Classic illustration of globe, simple cartoon even a child could understand]

The higher you are, the further you can see. Furthermore, if there is an object in the sea like a ship or oilrig, you may not be able to see where it meets the water, but you might see the top of it. [Works on a flat surface too – put your face on the floor, then stand up for ‘a globe view’?… proving your floor curves…?]
If you stand on the beach, your eyes are probably between 5 and 6 feet above the sandy beach (depending on your height). From there you can see about 2.7 miles across the ocean. Now, let’s say you go up on a sand dune next to the beach, taking your eyeballs 50 feet into the air. Then, you can see about 8.37 miles across the ocean. [implying ‘the curve’ drops out of sight around 3 miles at ‘sea level’]
Now, let’s say that you are staying in a beachfront hotel on the 20th floor, 250 feet above sea level. Then you can see 18.71 miles across the ocean. If you could move the Eiffel Tower to the beach and look out over the ocean from the top of it, you would be 1050 feet above ground and you could see about 38.34 miles across the ocean. [Check links to zoom cameras below]
Now, let’s say you have even more magical powers and you can move Mount Everest to the beach and stand on top of it. Then you would be 29,000 feet above sea level and you could see 201.49 miles across the ocean.
You get the point, the higher you are, the greater distance you can see. But the earth’s very curvy shape limits you from seeing very far. [Nothing here is accurate or supplies a ‘provable fact’ for any of the claims]
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Remember the curve formula? Is Research Maniacs correct? Did you know a ship can see a lighthouse beacon over 80 miles away? … And it’s not shining straight up ‘over the curve’ as a ray of light. Or that lasers work in a straight line, and the military doesn’t ‘account for curve’ on long-range targets? Or even that, when a ship ‘disappears over the horizon’ to the naked eye, a zoom camera can bring it back into focus? (Where did the curve go?)

Chicago Skyline – Short Version or Chicago Skyline / Mirage – Long Version

1) Are these convincing arguments? Explain your answers.
I NOW Believe Earth IS Spinning BALL:10+ Reasons
2) But we are told <NOT INDOCTRINATED> That this article is accurate.
How many errors / questions can you find that a flat earther might ask?
3) Define “indoctrination” and provide an example.